Dr. Gregory Kautz

Dr. Gregory Kautz


Practice Experience
Dr. Kautz has been involved in private practice, as well as being an adjunct Assistant Professor and a Clinical Instructor at Pacific University College of Optometry. He has been Clinic Center Director for Cascade Eye Institute and the National Director of Network Services and General Manager for Eye Health Network. He was also Associate Manager of Operations for six Kaiser-Permanente dental clinics. He is an experienced optometric physician who focuses on excellence at all levels and holds an advanced therapeutics license.

Professional Organizations

Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) 
Member 2011 - present
Fellow granted 2016

American Optometric Association
Eye Care Benefits Committee 1983-1997
Chair, Managed Care Subcommittee 1994-1996

Oregon Optometric Physicians Association
Member 1981-Present
Third Party Chair 1983-1997
President 1990
Pacific University Student Award 1981
Young Optometrist of the Year, OOPA, 1984
President's Award, OOPA, 1987, 1994
Optometrist of the Year, OOPA,  1992, 1995
Medicare Liaison to Aetna/Medicare 1989-2000
Oregon Medical Peer Review Organization 1995-2000
Representative to Diabetic Referral Project with Oregon Academy of Opthalmology 2000..
Professional Course Work
Surgical Procedures for the Optometric Physician - 2011
Lectures to Optometric Physicians in the US and Canada in Clinical, Office Management, Ethics and Insurance Areas